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"R.O.U.S.'s - Rodents of unusual size?...

Writer's picture: Chris WoodsChris Woods
...I don't believe they exist."

As Wesley and Princess Buttercup entered the Fire Swamp, this famous movie quote was uttered, right before they were attacked by a giant monster rat. If you've never seen the Princess Bride, well, that's just "inconceivable." I think this movie scene makes a good analogy to our current venture in education. For years, the need to innovate, change, and taking a risk on something new has been there. Some teachers embraced that reality, some teachers acknowledged that reality, and some, like Wesley, chose to ignore it. That was until 2020, when it all smacked us in the face and every teacher has been forced to adapt, change, and grow when it comes to their approach to instruction.

Most of the teachers are like me; we want to do things excellently. The idea of knowingly placing ourselves in situations where we could be uncomfortable is a tough concept. I think these first couple of weeks have been extra hard because most teachers are not comfortable with being uncomfortable. Things have not gone well, technology has failed here and there, parents are frustrated, and the stress is real. It is easy to talk to our students about learning from their mistakes and failing forward, but it is much more difficult to do live that out. Now more than ever, teachers need to rely on one another. It is absolutely necessary to treat this school year of face-to-face and virtual learning as an opportunity to activate our growth mindsets. Perfection is impossible in this situation that none of us has ever done before and to try and attempt perfection will only produce negative effects. What a wonderful environment to try new methods, take a risk on something you've never done before and rely on our colleagues for support.


[Movie still from The Princess Bride]. [Online image]. The Princess Bride.

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