Innovation Plan Outline
Next steps
Clarify Vision (January 2020)
Work with campus administration to clarify campus vision and goals for technology use.
Continue discussions about master schedule, specifically teacher conference times.
Identify a select group of participants (January 2020)
Form a pilot group of teachers from the same content.
Select from Apple Certified Teachers (introduced October 2019 as an optional self-paced PD for teachers; teachers who have completed this training have shown a willingness and eagerness to grow as professionals)
Members choose which pedagogical skills they would like to investigate and develop.
Develop a semester-long PD program (January 2020 - June 2020)
Program will use research-based innovative strategies and components. PD will be broken down into units that are 3 weeks long, 1 unit per pedagogical skill.
Week 1: Pedagogy study
Options of choices will be taken from the T-TESS rubric, by which teachers are evaluated annually by campus administration.
Week 2: How to integrate technology
Teachers will learn about specific technological skills that can directly support and enhance the pedagogy and instructional strategy discussed the week prior.
Blending learning model will allow teachers to choose time, pace, and place to engage with an authentic learning experience.
Week 3: Reflection
Teachers will use a templated ePortfolio to document their professional development journey.
For example:
Week 1: Teachers select SUMMARIZATION (Domain: Instruction, Dimension 2.5: Monitor and Adjust - teacher formally and informally collects, analyzes and uses student progress data and makes necessary adjustments.)
Week 2: Teachers would use a crafted online lesson to explore a variety of technology uses that could be used (and revolutionize) the process of summarization (Flipgrid, Clips, Schoology Discussions, Padlet, etc). We would then meet in a collaborative group to create an activity/product to be used with students.
Week 3: Teachers document the use of integrated technology using photos, video, and reflective questions via an ePortfolio. All ePortfolios are shared and are capable of comments, allowing other participants and the PD facilitator to give positive and constructive feedback.
All training will be ongoing, hands-on, authentic in nature, content-specific, collaborative, and reflective.
In Week 2, teachers will create products that integrate technology to be used immediately from classroom instruction.
ePortfolios will be used and uploaded as evidence for their T-TESS evaluation. ePortfolios will allow me to provide feedback, support, empathy and encouragement throughout each teacher’s journey.
Once teachers complete a unit, the cycle resets and we continue through the PD rotation highlighting a new pedagogical skill.
Looking Ahead
Further discussion with campus administration (Summer 2020)
Revisit master schedule (grouping teachers’ conferences based on content, rather than by student block)
Implement program with pilot group (August 2020 - December 2020)
Conduct surveys and receive feedback (August 2020 - December 2020)
Survey participating teachers, administration, and students
Use results to adjust program where necessary
Rollout PD program to the rest of the campus (January 2021 - June 2021)
Potentially, this phase will just roll out to core subject teachers
Fine arts & electives will depend on master schedule
Implement a professional development program with the purpose of changing teachers’ attitudes and beliefs towards technology integration as an essential component to classroom instruction.
This will be achieved by connecting technological knowledge and skills to content and pedagogy through research-based effective professional development strategies.